On 5th October 2012, Dr. Hans van Loon, then Secretary General of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, officially opened the Center for Private International Law of the Hague Conventions, during the 10th jubilee International Conference on Private International Law (held on 4-5 October 2012 at the Faculty of Law University of Niš). The Center for Private International Law of the Hague Conventions is located on the premises of the Law Faculty in Niš.

    Hague Conference on Private International Law


So far, the Hague Conference on Private International Law adopted 39 international instruments of which 12 have been ratified by the Republic of Serbia:
  1. Convention of 1 March 1954 on civil procedure
    Summary of the 1954 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1954 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially S. Triva, Nova Haška Konvencija o građanskom postupku, Naša zakonitost, 1963, str. 114; V. Torodović, Međunarodna pravna pomoć, 78 multilateralnih međunarodnih konvencija, knjiga 1, tom II, Beograd, 2003; T. Varadi, B. Bordaš, G. Knežević, V. Pavić, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd,  2010, str. 533; M. Stanivuković, M. Živković, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2015, str. 168-169 i 172-173, 154.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages is available at
    The decisions of Serbian courts regarding the Convention are available in the electronic legal database Paragraf.lex. If you are interested in particular decision, do not hesitate to contact us. We can translate any decision into English.
  2. Convention of 5 October 1961 on the Conflicts of Laws Relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions
    Summary of the 1961 Convention is available at
    Article 6 of the 1961 Convention introduces the “universal application” principle. This means that the conflict-of-laws rules of the Convention are applicable even if they refer to the law of the Non-Contracting State.
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1961 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially Z. Matić, Neki problemi sukoba zakona kod oblika isporuke i Prednacrt konvencije predložene IX Konferenciji za međunarodno privatno pravo u Hagu, Naša zakonitost, 1960, str. 261; D. Mitrović, Sukob zakona kod nasleđivanja - povodom zakonskog regulisanja, Pravni život 10/1975; D. Mitrović, Nasleđivanje sa stranim elementom, Enciklopedija imovinskog prava i prava udruženog rada, Beograd, 1978; Z. Matić, Međunarodno privatno pravo - Posebni dio, Zagreb, 1982, str. 71; M. Petrović, Merodavno pravo za formu testamenta sa stranim elementom prema Haškoj konvenciji o sukobu zakona u materiji testamentalnog raspolaganja, Glasnik Pravnog fakulteta u Kragujevcu, 1985, str. 147-156; I. Medić, Kolizijski aspekt nasljeđivanja s međunarodnim obilježjem, Zbornik radova Aktualnosti građanskog i trgovačkog zakonodavstva i pravne prakse, Mostar, Split, 2006, str. 355-374; M. Stanivuković, P. Đundić, Međunarodno privatno pravo - posebni deo, Novi Sad, 2015, str. 198 - 200.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1961 Convention is available at
  3. Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents
    Summary of the 1961 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1961 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially V. Torodović, Međunarodna pravna pomoć, 78 multilateralnih međunarodnih konvencija, knjiga 1, tom II, Beograd, 2003; M. Stanivuković, M. Živković, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2015, str. 176-179; S. Đurđević, Elektronski pečat Apostille u pravu Republike Srbije, Pravni zapisi, 2/2015, str. 428-441.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1961 Convention is available at
    The decisions of Serbian courts regarding the Convention are available in the electronic legal database Paragraf.lex. If you are interested in particular decision, do not hesitate to contact us. We can translate any decision into English.
  4. Convention of 15 November 1965 on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters
    Summary of the 1965 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1965 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially V. Torodović, Međunarodna pravna pomoć, 78 multilateralnih međunarodnih konvencija, knjiga 1, tom II, Beograd, 2003; M. Živković, O potrebi pristupanja naše zemlje pojedinim Haškim konvencijama iz oblasti međunarodnog privatnog prava, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu. – Niš : Pravni fakultet, Centar za publikacije, 2004, br. 45 (2004), str. 101-116; V. Pavić, Haška konvencija (1965) o dostavljanju u inostranstvo sudskih i vansudskih dokumenata u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima, Zbornik radova III. konferencije o međunarodnom privatnom pravu: Državljanstvo i međunarodno privatno pravo/Haške konvencije (eds. G. Knežević, V. Pavić), 2007, str. 256-263; M. Stanivuković, M. Živković, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2015, str. 169-170.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1965 Convention is available at
    The decisions of Serbian courts regarding the Convention are available in the electronic legal database Paragraf.lex. If you are interested in particular decision, do not hesitate to contact us. We can translate any decision into English.
  5. Convention of 18 March 1970 on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters
    Summary of the 1970 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1970 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially V. Torodović, Međunarodna pravna pomoć, 78 multilateralnih međunarodnih konvencija, knjiga 1, tom II, Beograd, 2003; M. Živković, O potrebi pristupanja naše zemlje pojedinim Haškim konvencijama iz oblasti međunarodnog privatnog prava, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu. – Niš : Pravni fakultet, Centar za publikacije, 2004, br. 45 (2004), str. 101-116; I. Medić, Haška konvencija iz 1970. godine o izvođenju dokaza u inozemstvu u građanskim i trgovačkim predmetima, Zbornik radova III. konferencije o međunarodnom privatnom pravu: Državljanstvo i međunarodno privatno pravo/Haške konvencije (eds. G. Knežević, V. Pavić), Beograd, 2007, str. 264-293; M. Stanivuković, M. Živković, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2015, str. 173-175.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1970 Convention is available at
  6. Convention of 4 May 1971 on the Law Applicable to Traffic Accidents
    Summary of the 1971 Convention is available at
    Article 11 of the 1971 Convention introduces the “universal application” principle. This means that the conflict-of-laws rules of the Convention are applicable even if they refer to the law of the Non-Contracting State. Thus, the conflict-of-laws rules contained in Article 28 of the Serbian 1982 PIL Act are repealed by the Convention’s rule on universal application but only regarding road traffic accidents. In other words, Serbian judges should apply only the 1971 Convention's conflict-of-laws rules in lawsuits concerning traffic accidents. 
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1971 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially T. Varadi, B. Bordaš, G. Knežević, V. Pavić, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2007, str. 450-456; M. Stanivuković, P. Đundić, Međunarodno privatno pravo - posebni deo, Novi Sad, 2015, str. 184-187.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1971 Convention is available at
    The decisions of Serbian courts regarding the Convention are available in the electronic legal database Paragraf.lex. If you are interested in particular decision, do not hesitate to contact us. We can translate any decision into English.
  7. Convention of 2 October 1973 on the Law Applicable to Products Liability
    Summary of the 1973 Convention  is available at
    Article 11 of the 1973 Convention introduces the “universal application” principle. This means that the conflict-of-laws rules of the Convention are applicable even if they refer to the law of the Non-Contracting State. Thus, the conflict-of-laws rules contained in Article 28 of the Serbian 1982 PIL Act are repealed by the Convention’s rule on universal application but only for the product liability issue. In other words,  the judges should apply only the 1973 Convention's conflict-of-laws rules in cases concerning products liabilty.
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1973 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially Z. Matić,  Međunarodno privatno pravo vanugovorne odgovornosti proizvođača za štetu koju prouzroče njihovi proizvodi, Prinosi za poredbeno proučavanje prava i međunarodno privatno pravo, broj 5, 1972, str.1; Z. Matić, Međunarodno privatno pravo - Posebni dio, Zagreb, 1982, str. 97; K. Sajko, Međunarodnoprivatnopravna problematika odgovornosti proizvođača za proizvode, Naša zakonitost, Zagreb, 1982, broj 6, str. 111.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1973 Convention is available at
  8. Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
    Summary of the 1980 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at

    In 1999, Hague Conference on Private International Law established the on-line Case Law database - INCADAT. This database contains all the most relevant decisions concerning the 1980 Convention which are rendered by the national authorities of the Contracting States, the European Court for Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the EU. Moreover, INCADAT database includes Case Law analysis, New Summaries of the significant decisions as well as other useful informations regarding the guides to good practice. Therefore, INCADAT database is of high importance for all Serbian judges, National Authority (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia), legal practitioners and other interested in the application of the 1980 Convention.
    INCADAT database is available at

    Bearing in mind the shortcomings in the application of the 1980 Convention in Serbia, there is a need to enact a special legislative act on the implementation of the Convention. The Draft of this Implementation Act is available at

    For the bibliography on the 1980 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially M. Živković, Poveravanje dece na čuvanje i vaspitanje u međunarodnom privatnom pravu, Institut za pravna i društvena istraživanja Pravnog fakulteta, 1991, str. 189-221; B. Bordaš, Porodičnopravni odnosi u međunarodnom privatnom pravu, Novi Sad, 2000; P. Đundić, Redovno boravište deteta u praksi primene Haške konvencije o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne otmice dece 25. oktobra 1980 godine, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad, 2/2004, str. 551-570; M. Stanivuković, O potrebi da se naš Zakon o braku i porodičnim odnosima uskladi sa Haškom konvencijom o odvođenju dece, Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodina, 3-4/2004, str. 95—106; T. Varadi, B. Bordaš, G. Knežević, V. Pavić, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2007, str. 326-328; M. Župan, Dete u međunarodnom privatnom pravu, Dijete i pravo (ed. Rešetar Branka), Osijek, 2009, str. 223-271; M. Stanivuković, P. Đundić, Pravo na viđanje deteta i Haška konvencija o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne otmice dece (1980), Pravni život, 10/2010, str. 25-45: I. Medić, T. Božanić,  Haška konvencija o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne otmice djeteta (1980) - casus belli, Pravna zaštita prava na (zajedničku) roditeljsku skrb (ed. B. Rešetar), Pravni fakultet Osijek, 2012, str. 161-197; Z. Ponjavić, D. Palačković, Prekogranično odvođenje dece i porodično nasilje, Zbornik radova Prava djeteta i ravnopravnost polova - između normativnog i stvarnog, Pravni fakultet u Istočnom Sarajevu, 2012, str. 47-71; G. Kovaček-Stanić, Porodičnopravni aspekti međunarodne roditeljske otmice dece, Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 2/2012, str. 74-94;  S. Marjanović, Uticaj haških konvencija o međunarodnom privatnom pravu na usklađivanje prava Srbije sa pravom EU u materiji zaštite dece, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 68 (2014), str. 875-892; G. Kovaček-Stanić, Građanskopravni aspekti međunarodne otmice dece : praksa Evropskog suda za ljudska prava, Zbornik Škole prava Evropske unije, 2015, str. 72-84; M. Stanivuković, P. Đundić, Međunarodno privatno pravo - posebni deo, Novi Sad, 2015, str. 218-224.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1980 Convention is available at
    The decisions of Serbian courts regarding the Convention are available in the electronic legal database Paragraf.lex. If you are interested in particular decision, do not hesitate to contact us. We can translate any decision into English.
  9. Convention of 25 October 1980 on International Access to Justice
    Summary of the 1980 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1980 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially V. Torodović, Međunarodna pravna pomoć, 78 multilateralnih međunarodnih konvencija, knjiga 1, tom II, Beograd, 2003; T. Varadi, B. Bordaš, G. Knežević, V. Pavić, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2007, str. 533; M. Stanivuković, M. Živković, Međunarodno privatno pravo, Beograd, 2015, str 154.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1980 Convention is available at
    The decisions of Serbian courts regarding the Convention are available in the electronic legal database Paragraf.lex. If you are interested in particular decision, do not hesitate to contact us. We can translate any decision into English.
  10. Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption
    Summary of the 1993 Convention is available at
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1993 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially M. Živković, O potrebi pristupanja naše zemlje pojedinim Haškim konvencijama iz oblasti međunarodnog privatnog prava, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu. – Niš : Pravni fakultet, Centar za publikacije, 2004, br. 45 (2004), str. 101-116; M. Župan, Poveznica državljanstva i fleksibilizacija međunarоdnog privatnog prava, Zbornik radova III. konferencije o međunarodnom privatnom pravu: Državljanstvo i međunarodno privatno pravo/Haške konvencije (eds. G. Knežević, V. Pavić), 2007,117-157; N. Vučković-Šahović, Međunarodno usvojenje i Srbija, Pravni zapisi, Beograd, 2011, str. 135-149.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1993 Convention is available at
  11. Convention of 19 October 1996 on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Co-operation in Respect of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children
    Summary of the 1996 Convention is available at
    This Convention will enter into force for the Republic of Serbia on November  the 1st, 2016. The Central Authority for the Republic of Serbia is Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs.
    Article 20 of the 1996 Convention introduces the “universal application” principle. This means that the conflict-of-laws rules of the Convention are applicable even if they refer to the law of the Non-Contracting State. Thus, the conflict-of-laws rules contained in Article 40 of the Serbian 1982 PIL Act will be repealed by the Convention’s rule on universal application, starting from November the 1st 2016, but only for the parental responsibility as characterized in the Convention, as well as Article 15 of the 1982 PIL Act in terms of the guardianship over minors. Instead of these conflict-of-laws rules of Serbian PIL Act, the judges should apply Convention's conflict-of-laws rules.
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 1996 Convention in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially M. Živković, Poveravanje dece na čuvanje i vaspitanje posle razvoda braka i princip jednakosti roditelja,  Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, 3/1990, str. 327-333; M. Živković, Pravo roditelja stranca na čuvanje i vaspitanje deteta nakon prestanka zajednice života roditelja, Zakonitost, Zagreb, 2/1990, str. 251-266; M. Živković, Primena povoljnijeg prava za dete u međunarodnom privatnom pravu, Glasnik advokatske komore Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 4-5/1993, str. 16-22K. Sajko, Haška konvencija o dečijoj zaštiti od 19. listopada 1996 : Značajni segmenti budućeg hrvatskog prava?, Novejše tendence razvoja otroškega prava v evropskih državah - prelagajanje otroškega prava v Republici Sloveniji, Zbornik Z Mednarodne znanstvene konference, Maribor, 1997, str. 39; M. Župan, Poveznica državljanstva i fleksibilizacija međunarоdnog privatnog prava, Zbornik radova III. konferencije o međunarodnom privatnom pravu: Državljanstvo i međunarodno privatno pravo/Haške konvencije (eds. G. Knežević, V. Pavić), 2007,117-157; I. Medić, Prekogranični smještaj djeteta u svjetlu Haške konvencije iz 1996 godine i Uredbe Bruxelles II bis, Obitelj i djeca: europska očekivanja i nacionalna stvarnost (ed. I. Kunda), Pravni fakultet u Rijeci, Hrvatska udruga za poredbeno pravo, Rijeka, 2014, str. 121-141; M. Župan, Roditeljska skrb u sustavu Haške konvencije o mjerama dječje zaštite iz 1996, Pravna zaštita prava na (zajedničku) roditeljsku skrb (ed. B. Rešetar), Osijek, 2012, str. 199-222; S. Marjanović, Uticaj haških konvencija o međunarodnom privatnom pravu na usklađivanje prava Srbije sa pravom EU u materiji zaštite dece, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 68 (2014), str. 875-892.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 1996 Convention is available at
  12. Protocol of 23 November 2007 on the Law Applicable to Maintenance Obligations
    Summary of the 2007 Convention is available at
    Article 2 of the 2007 Protocol introduces the “universal application” principle. This means that the conflict-of-laws rules of the Convention are applicable even if they refer to the law of the Non-Contracting State. Thus, the conflict-of-laws rules contained in Article 40 of the Serbian 1982 PIL Act are repealed by the Convention’s rule on universal application regarding the maintenance obligations between children and parents as well as Article 42 of the 1982 PIL Act concerning the maintenance obligation between all other relatives. In other words, our judges should apply the conflict-of-laws rules of the 2007 Protocol instead of the mentioned Serbian PIL Act's rules conflict-of-laws.
    In 2014, the Council on Private international Law of the Serbian Government sent the Information on the application of the 2007 Protocol to all civil courts in Serbia.
    The lists of State Parties, reservations, declarations and notifications are available at
    For the bibliography on the 2007 Protocol in the languages of the ex-SFRY see especially B. Bordaš, Modernizacija pravila o izdržavanju sa inostranim elementom u Srbiji, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, 2013, str. 145-172; B. Bordaš, P. Đundić, Haški protokol o pravu merodavnom za obaveze izdržavanja - najnoviji izvor međunarodnog privatnog prava Srbije, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta, Novi Sad,1/2013, str. 133-153; M. Živković, O primeni haškog Protokola o merodavnom pravu za obaveze izdržavanja u međunarodnom privatnom pravu Republike Srbije , Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, Niš, 2013, br. 65 (2013), str. 79-94; S. Marjanović, Međunarodna nadležnost za sporove o izdržavanju u međunarodnom privatnom pravu Srbije de lege lata i de lege ferenda, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 65 (2013), str. 399-418; S. Marjanović, Uticaj haških konvencija o međunarodnom privatnom pravu na usklađivanje prava Srbije sa pravom EU u materiji zaštite dece, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu, br. 68 (2014), str. 875-892; M. Stanivuković, P. Đundić, Međunarodno privatno pravo - posebni deo, Novi Sad, 2015, str. 239-247.
    The most relevant bibliography in foreign languages regarding the 2007 Protocol is available at
Bearing in mind that some of the Hague Conventions (7) were ratified by the SFRY, the dissolution of that State raised the issue of the validity of those Hague Conventions. About this problem see M. Živković, Važenje Haških konvencija iz oblasti međunarodnog privatnog prava u pravnom sistemu SR Jugoslavije nakon prestanka SFR Jugoslavije, Jugoslovenska kriza: pouke za međunarodno pravo - Zbornik radova sa međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog 19. i 20. maja 2000. godine na Pravnom fakultetu u Nišu (eds. M. Petrović, Z. Radivojević), Niš, 2001, str. 253-262.
In 2014, the Council on Private International Law of Serbian Government proposed the ratification of the Convention of 30 June 2005 on Choice of Court Agreements and the Convention of 23 November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance.
At last, Serbian Council on Private International Law is very interested in the work of the Hague Conference on so called "Judgment Project", leading to the prospective convention on recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters. Professor Maja Stanivuković (Faculty of Law University of Novi Sad) has been appointed by the Councul on Private International Law as the representative of the Republic of Serbia in the Hague Conference's Working Group on the "Judgment Project". This future Convention would resolve serios obstacle of diplomatic reciprocity for the recognition/enforcement of the foreign judgments, required by some States (e.g. Austria, Scandinavian countries).